Layanan ebook yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Data Mining Practical Machine Learning Tools and Techniques
Ian H.;Eibe Frank;Mark A. Hall;Christopher J. Pal
Thinking Data Science : A Data Science Practitioner’s Guide
Poornachandra Sarang
Synthetic Data for Deep Learning : Generate Synthetic Data for Decision Making and Applications with Python and R
Necmi Gursakal;Sadullah Celik;Esma Birisci
Python for Scientific Computing and Artificial Intelligence
Stephen Lynch
Python Automation Cookbook : 75 Python Automation Ideas for Web Scraping, Data Wrangling, and Processing Excel, Reports, Emails, and More
Python Data Science Handbook : Essential Tools for Working with Data
Jake VanderPlas
Mastering Generative AI and Prompt Engineering: A Practical Guide for Data Scientists
Data Science Horizon
Guide to Teaching Data : Science An Interdisciplinary Approach
Orit Hazzan;Koby Mike
Forecasting Time Series Data with Prophet : Build, improve, and optimize time series forecasting models using Meta's advanced forecasting too
Greg Rafferty
Expert Data Modeling with Power BI : Enrich and Optimize Your Data Models to Get the Best Out of Power BI for Reporting and Business Needs
Soheil Bakhshi