Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Intergroup Threat and Experienced Affect: The Distinct Roles of Causal Attributions and In-Group Identification

Judul Artikel:Intergroup Threat and Experienced Affect: The Distinct Roles of Causal Attributions and In-Group Identification
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Social Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 149 Issue 3 2009
Penerbit:Heldref Publications
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6x 1 tahun
Abstraksi:Research shows that under manipulated conditions of intergroup threat, individuals experience greater negative affect to the extent that low in-group identifiers make an in-group-internal attribution rather than an out-group-internal attribution, and high ingroup identifiers make an out-group-internal attribution rather than an in-group-internal attribution for outcomes of intergroup comparison that threaten their social identity. The author predicted and found that under conditions of making an out-group-internal attribution, such an effect of in-group identification is mediated by the general proneness to perceiving in-group–out-group differences, or intergroup distinctiveness, at high, but not low, levels of in-group identification. Combining the findings of 2 different literatures, the author provides new insights into the distinct roles played by intergroup attributions as a predictor, in-group identification as a moderator, and intergroup distinctiveness as a mediator of the affective responses produced under conditions of social identity threat instantiated by individuals’ making out-group-internal attribution for the in-group unfavorable outcomes of intergroup comparison.
Kata Kunci:in-group identification, intergroup attributions, intergroup distinctiveness, intergroup emotions, social identity threat