Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Parenting Style and Personality: Perceptions of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents

Judul Artikel:Parenting Style and Personality: Perceptions of Mothers, Fathers, and Adolescents
Judul Terbitan:The Journal of Individual Psychology
Tempat Terbit:
Volume:Vol. 67 Issue 1 2011
Penerbit:University of Texas Press
Frekuensi Penerbitan:6 x 1 tahun
Penulis:Kelly P. Cfroerer, Roy M. Kern, William L. Curlette, JoAnna White, and Jolita Jonyniené
Abstraksi:Abstract The researchers investigated personality development and parenting styles using Individual Psychology as a theoretical base. Specifically, the researchers examined the extent to which Baumrind's (1996) parenting styles relate to particular personality lifestyle attributes of adolescents and their parents. A second aspect of this study was to identify the extent to which adolescents' psychological birth order relates to perceptions about parenting. The sample consisted of 80 adolescents from a high school in the southeastern United States and their parents. Statistically significant relationships were found relating parenting style to Adierian personality lifestyle attributes and psychological birth order. This study provides cross-generational information about personality lifestyle attributes and parenting. Understanding specifically how lifestyle personality attributes and psychological birth order relate to parenting is beneficial information for clinicians and parent educators.
Kata Kunci:Keywords: parenting style, personality lifestyle, psychological birth order