Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma
Judul Artikel | : | Self-Esteem and Perceived Regard: How I See Myself Affects My Relationship Satisfaction |
Judul Terbitan | : | The Journal of Social Psychology |
ISSN | : | |
Bahasa | : | ING |
Tempat Terbit | : | |
Tahun | : | 2009 |
Volume | : | Vol. 149 Issue 2 2009 |
Penerbit | : | Heldref Publications |
Frekuensi Penerbitan | : | 6x 1 tahun |
Edisi | : | |
Abstraksi | : | The authors explored the relations among self-esteem, perceived regard, and satisfaction in dating relationships. On the basis of the dependency regulation model (T. DeHart, B. Pelham, & S. Murray, 2004), the authors hypothesized that self-esteem would influence individuals’ self-perceptions and views of how their partners perceive them (metaperception). They also hypothesized that perceived regard (self-perception minus metaperception) would predict relationship satisfaction. Regression analyses indicated that for moderate relationship-relevant traits (i.e., caring, loving), high self-esteem was associated with self-enhancement (idealization), whereas low self-esteem was associated with self-deprecation. For low relationship-relevant traits (i.e., quiet, reserved), both low and high self-esteem individuals self-enhanced. Hierarchical regression analyses indicated that self-esteem and perceived regard for moderate relationship-relevant traits predicted satisfaction. The authors discuss the implications of idealization, self-verification, and self-deprecation for the perceivers and their relationships. |
Kata Kunci | : | perceived regard, relationship satisfaction, self-esteem |
Lokasi | : | P143 |
Terakreditasi | : | sudah |
Jurusan | : | Psikologi |