Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Comparative Risk and Perceived Control: Implications for Psychological and Physical Well-Being Among Older Adults
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Predicting Attendance at Peer-Assisted Study Sessions for Statistics: Role Identity and the Theory of Planned Behavior
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Why Not Procrastinate? Development and Validation of a New Active Procrastination Scale
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Mediators of the Effects of Cold–Warm Communication on Attraction Toward Online Service Providers
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Marital Enqing: An Examination of Its Relationship to Spousal Contributions, Sacrifices, and Family Stress in Chinese Marriages
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Me, Us, or Them: Who Is More Conformist? Perception of Conformity and Political Orientation
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Tactile Contact and Evaluation of the Toucher
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
The Attitude–Behavior Relationship in Consumer Conduct: The Role of Norms, Past Behavior, and Self-Identity
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Equality in the Division of Household Labor: A Comparative Study of Jewish Women and Arab Muslim Women in Israel
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Intragroup Variability Among Northern Irish Catholics and Protestants
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology