Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Book reviews
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Book reviews
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
‘Stubbornly unchanged’: A longitudinal study of news practices in the Israeli press
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Media outlets and their moguls: Why concentrated individual or family ownership is bad for editorial independence
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Discourse, credentialism and occupational closure in the communications industries: The case of public relations in the UK
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Women’s magazines in the Nordic style: Politics, politicians and the welfare state
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
In their own words: What bothers children online?
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Short reviews
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Short reviews
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication
Short reviews
Komunikasi | SAGE European Journal of Communication