Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Cross-Dimension-Ambivalent In-Group Stereotypes: The Moderating Roles of Social Context of Stereotype Endorsement and In-Group Identification
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Beauty Is Mostly in the Eye of the Beholder: Olfactory Versus Visual Cues of Attractiveness
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Pronorm and Antinorm Deviants: A Test of the Subjective Group Dynamics Model
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
“Seesaw of Emotions” and Compliance: Beyond the Fear-Then-Relief Rule
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Objective and Subjective Indicators of Happiness in Brazil: The Mediating Role of Social Class
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Impact of Responsibility for a Misfortune on Schadenfreude and Sympathy: Further Evidence
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Fear of AIDS and Homophobia Scales in an Ethnic Population of University Students
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Lonelier, Lazier, and Teased: The Stigmatizing Effect of Body Size
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
A Study of the Antecedents and Consequences of Psychological Ownership in Organizational Settings
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology
Exploring Academic Procrastination Among Turkish Students: Possible Gender Differences in Prevalence and Reasons
Psikologi | The Journal of Social Psychology