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coba pdfffffff

Judul Artikel:coba pdfffffff
Judul Terbitan:Jurnal Teknologi Industri dan Informasi
Tempat Terbit:Surabaya
Volume:Vol. 2 Issue 2 0000
Frekuensi Penerbitan:
Abstraksi:The allocation of Village Fund as stipulated in the Minister of Finance Regulation number 49 /PMK.07 /2016, i.e. basicallocation (alokasi dasar) 90% and formula allocation (alokasiformula) 10%, could be considered as unequal because ofpoor attention to the indicators of poverty and development of each village. Basic allocation relates to the same amountof allocation per village, while formula allocation refers to an allocation based on the number of populations in poverty,size of area, and infrastructure price index. This article aims to investigate the ideal allocation proportion of villagefunds. Methods used in this study were a correlation and the analytical hierarchy process. The results show a strongercorrelation between village fund and poverty and development indicators if more money is allocated in the formulaallocation. However, an inequality of allocation ratio and larger fund are needed to achieve the program's targets. Basedon the weighted value of the expert group perception, the proposed formula for the ratio of basic allocation (alokasidasar) and formula allocation (alokasiformula) is 10:90. With this formula, it is expected that poverty and developmentcan be more quickly resolved. So, the purpose of the Village Fund as mandated by Law Number 6/2014 could be achieved.
Kata Kunci:Analytical Hierarchy Process, Justice as Fairness, Village Fund, Poverty, Development.