Layanan journal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Indek Kemampuan Proses Baru untuk Distribusi Non-Normal

Judul Artikel:Indek Kemampuan Proses Baru untuk Distribusi Non-Normal
Judul Terbitan:Jurnal Teknologi Industri dan Informasi
Tempat Terbit:Surabaya
Volume:Vol. 3 Issue 2 0000
Frekuensi Penerbitan:
Penulis:Evy Herowati
Abstraksi:Products produced from manufacturing process always vary. As long as the product's variance is still between its specifications limit, this variance is not considered as a serious problem. Process capability analysis can be helpful in quantifying process variability relative to the product specifications and in assisting the variability reduction. One of the commonly used measurements in process capability analysis is Process Capability Index (PCI). Four basic models of PC1 have been developed for normally and non-normally distributed quality characteristics. All of the models developed have been proposed to measure process performance about variability process and degree departure of the process mean from the target value but not proportion of nonconformity. Chen & Ding proposed a new index S pink which takes into account proportion of nonconformity too. This new index is still based on the assumption that the process underlying distribution is Normal. In this paper, modification of the new PCI S ip,nk for non-Normal distributions is proposed with their estimations while illustrating the use of the model for underlying distribution. The new model is found better than the old one.
Kata Kunci:Process Capability Index; non-Normal distribution; proportion of nonconformity