Layanan journal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Prevalence of ~etabolic Syndrome Using NCEP/ATP III Criteria in Jakarta, Indonesia: The Jakarta Primary Non-communicable Disease Risk Factors Surveillance 2006

Judul Artikel:Prevalence of ~etabolic Syndrome Using NCEP/ATP III Criteria in Jakarta, Indonesia: The Jakarta Primary Non-communicable Disease Risk Factors Surveillance 2006
Judul Terbitan:Acta Medica Indonesiana: The Indonesian Journal of Internal Medicine
Tempat Terbit:jakarta
Volume:Vol. 42 Issue 4 0000
Penerbit:Interna Publishing
Frekuensi Penerbitan:
Penulis:Pradana Soewondo, Dyah Purnamasari, Maryantoro Oemardi, Sarwono Waspadji, Sidartawan Soegondo
Abstraksi:Aim: to obtain the prevalence of MetS in Jakarta, as a capital city of Indonesia. Methods: data were obtained from surveillance of primary non-communicable disease in five regions in Jakarta, Indonesia, conducted in 2006. Targeting for 1,800 samples, we performed a purposive and simple random sampling of subjects within the age range of 25 - 64 years old in selected sampling areas, and stratified random sampling by adjusting to age and sex within those selected sampling areas. We use The WHO Step Wise in collecting data. We also collected blood sample for total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and triglyceride level. The ATP III modified Asian criteria require the presence of 3 or more of the following: 1. Abdominal obesity (waist circumference > 90 em in men and>: 80 em in women; 2. A high triglyceride level (.2. 150 mg/dL); 3. A low HDL- cholesterol level < 40 mg/dL for men and <50 mg/dL for women); 4. High blood pressure (systolic .2. 130 mmHg or diastolic .2.80 mmHg; and 5. A high fasting plasma glucose concentration (.2.110 mg/dL). Results: among 1,591 subjects, there are 641 men (40.3%) and 950 women (59.7%). The crude prevalence of MetS using the ATP III modified Asian criteria is 28.4% with prevalences in men and women are 25.4 and 30.4% respectively. The prevalences of MetS in NGT, prediabetes, and diabetes group are 16.4, 35.1, cmd 73.4% respectively. The prevalences of MetS and central obesity in prediabetes group and diabetes group are higher significantly than those in normal glucose tolerance group (p<0.01). The most common component of MetS in men is hypertension (84.7%), followed by hypertriglyceridemia (83.4%), central obesity (75.5%), hyperglycemia (50.9%) and low HDL-cholesterol (43.6%). While in women, the most common component is central obesity (84.1%), followed by hypertension (84.1%), hypertriglyceridemia (66.1%), low HDL-cholesterol (57.8%), and hyperglycemia (50.2%). Conclusion: the prevalence of MetS in this study is 28.4%. The most component found in men is hypertension while in women is central obesity.
Kata Kunci:metabolic syndrome; ATP III modified Asian criteria; prevalence.