Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Racial and Gender Differences in the Relationship Between Children’s Television Use and Self-Esteem: A Longitudinal Panel Study
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Minority Influence in Virtual Groups: A Comparison of Four Theories of Minority Influence
Komunikasi | Communication Research
The Effects of Gender and Gain Versus Loss Frame on Processing Breast Cancer Screening Messages
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Reinforcing Spirals of Negative Affects and Selective Attention to Advertising in a Political Campaign
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Minority Status and the Use of Computer- Mediated Communication: A Test of the Social Diversification Hypothesis
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Preelection Selective Exposure: Confirmation Bias Versus Informational Utility
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Clarifying Relationships Between Ideology and Ideologically Oriented Cable TV News Use: A Case of Suppression
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Maintaining Workplace Friendships: Perceived Politeness and Predictors of Maintenance Tactic Choice
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Deception and Its Detection: Effects of Monetary Incentives and Personal Relationship History
Komunikasi | Communication Research
More Than a Game: Friendship Relational Maintenance and Attitudes Toward Xbox LIVE Communication
Komunikasi | Communication Research