Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Exposure to Counterattitudinal News Coverage and the Timing of Voting Decisions
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Social Diffusion of Campaign Effects: Campaign-Generated Interpersonal Communication as a Mediator of Antitobacco Campaign Effects
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Effects of Popular Exemplars in Television News
Komunikasi | Communication Research
A Losing Battle: Effects of Prolonged Exposure to Thin-Ideal Images on Dieting and Body Satisfaction
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Perceptions of Conflict Behavior and Relational Satisfaction in Adult Parent–Child Relationships: A Dyadic Analysis From an Attachment Perspective
Komunikasi | Communication Research
The Role of Attitude Functions and Self-Monitoring in Predicting Intentions to Register as Organ Donors and to Discuss Organ Donation With Family
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Willingness to Help Following the Sichuan Earthquake: Modeling the Effects of Media Involvement, Stress, Trust, and Relational Resources
Komunikasi | Communication Research
The Proteus Effect in Dyadic Communication: Examining the Effect of Avatar Appearance in Computer- Mediated Dyadic Interaction
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Matching the Message: The Role of Regulatory Fit in Negative Managerial Communication
Komunikasi | Communication Research
National Audience Tastes in Hollywood Film Genres: Cultural Distance and Linguistic Affinity
Komunikasi | Communication Research