Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Measures of Biochemical Sociology
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Self -Disclosure Through Sharing with the Public
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
A Quantitative Exploration of Preservice Teachers’ Intent to Use Computer-based Technology
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Factorial Validity, Reliability, and Measurement Equivalence of the Noctcaelador Inventory Across Three Ethnic Groups
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Exploring the Psychological Predictors of Programming Achievement
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
The School and Students in Society
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Effect of Self-Perception on Performance of Graduate-Level Cooperative Groups in Research Methodology Courses
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Waking Up to Difference: Teachers, Color-Blindness, and the Effects on Students of Color
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Psychology Teaching Resources in the MERLOT Digital Learning Objects Catalog
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Using Tablet PCs in the Classroom: An Investigation of Students’ Expectations and Reactions
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology