Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma
Student-instructor Communication: An Innovative Teaching Material in Support of Student Leaming
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
An Assessment of Stress Experienced by Students in a Prepharmacy Curriculum
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
The Role of Instructors and Peers in Establishing Classroom Community
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
An Empirical Comparison of Traditional and Web-enhanced Classrooms
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Social Biochemistry: A Course Curriculum
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Theoretical Soundness, Proven Effectiveness, and Implementation Fidelity of the HOSTS Language Arts Program Among Children Identified as At-Risk in Urban Elementary Schools
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Teachers' Quality, Instructional Strategies and Students' Performance in Secondary School Science
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Teachers' Opinions about Building a Democratic Classroom
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
Video-Based Test Questions: A Novel IMeans of Evaluation
Psikologi | Journal of Instructional Psychology
The Effects of the Multiple Intelligence Teaching Strategy on the Academic Achievement of Eighth Grade Math Students