Communication Research

Layanan jurnal yang disediakan oleh Perpustakaan Universitas Gunadarma

Boomerang Effects in Science Communication: How Motivated Reasoning and Identity Cues Amplify Opinion Polarization About Climate Mitigation Policies
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Interactive Uncertainty Reduction Strategies and Verbal Affection in Computer-Mediated Communication
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Understanding Online Community Participation: A Technology Acceptance Perspective
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Identification as a Mechanism of Narrative Persuasion
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Young Adults’ Autobiographical Memories of Frightening News Stories Seen During Childhood
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Gun Focus Effect Revisited: Emotional Tone Modulates Information Processing Strategy
Komunikasi | Communication Research
Ethical Orientations of Journalists Around the Globe: Implications From a Cross-National Survey
Komunikasi | Communication Research
The Influence of Age and Gender on Preferences for Negative Content and Tabloid Packaging in Television News Stories
Komunikasi | Communication Research
What Is Most Important for My Country Is Not Most Important for Me: Agenda-Setting Effects in China
Komunikasi | Communication Research
The Electronic Water Cooler: Insiders and Outsiders Talk About Organizational Justice on the Internet
Komunikasi | Communication Research